To get more out of your existing IBM Cognos applications its important to evaluate systems & infrastructures in the context of changing business requirements. These changes often impact the enterprise infrastructure, which is the foundation of a healthy Analytics solution. The Analytics Infrastructure for Dummies eBook examines the processing, storage, systems software, and internal networks required to deliver, maintain, and manage a solid infrastructure foundation. If your asking any of the following questions then download the eBook and consider an IBM Cognos Health Check Assessment:Analytics for Dummies

  • Is the current architecture ideal for scalability, stability, and future growth?
  • Are there any application design improvements that can increase adoption, self-service, and performance?
  • Can improvements be made in data-level security, authentication, or auditing?
  • Can cost of ownership be lowered by streamlining maintenance, administration, and support?
  • Are there any features not being used to their full potential?
The IBM Cognos Health Check can help determine what opportunities exist for you to optimize and/or enhance your existing Cognos software and supporting infrastructure. It can help provide insight so that you can take action and make better more strategic decisions.

Benefits of the IBM Cognos Health Check

During the Health Check, we will work with you to identify the following:
  • Prioritized opportunities based on business impact focusing primarily on quick wins
  • Rationalization of goals against current deployment status and existing roadmap
  • A clear roadmap of how to best utilize the full potential of Cognos complete with costs and estimated benefits
  • Rationalization of current install base and appropriate use of the licenses currently owned
  • Analysis and recommendations on improvements to infrastructure and data quality


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